Beaver Dam Analogue (BDA)

A beaver dam analogue is a habitat management tool that mimics a naturally occurring beaver dam. It is simple, small and is often installed in series. This structure is built instream using upright posts (natural or manufactured fence posts), a natural weave material (typically willow, spruce, or other on-site vegetation), and at the base, gravel and mud (see image below). Posts can also be installed to support an existing beaver dam.

BDAs use depends on the project goal, but their main purpose is stream restoration in degraded riparian systems, and/or to encourage beavers to resume normal activities for the stream's benefit. BDAs can be used specifically for beaver and fish habitat restoration, for general habitat restoration to the benefit of multiple species including species-at-risk, to encourage natural beaver recolonization, and to guide beaver activity to places where culverts remain unobstructed, typically upstream of the culvert mouth.

*Please note that prior to the installation of any coexistence tool, it is important to check for permitting requirements with your local, provincial/state, and federal departments*